EYEHATEGOD - A History of Nomadic Behavior [DIGIPAK CD]

Produktinformationen "EYEHATEGOD - A History of Nomadic Behavior [DIGIPAK CD]"

Limitierte Erstauflage als DigiPak.

1. Built Beneath The Lies (03:33)
2. The Outer Banks (02:31)
3. Fake What's Yours (03:38)
4. Three Black Eyes (02:27)
5. Current Situation (04:41)
6. High Risk Trigger (04:18)
7. Anemic Robotic (02:44)
8. The Day Felt Wrong (03:56)
9. The Trial of Johnny Cancer (04:25)
10. Smoker's Piece (01:11)
11. Circle of Nerves (03:47)
12. Every Thing, Every Day (04:42)

Hersteller: Century Media Records GmbH, Schäferstr. 33a, 44147 Dortmund, Germany, Kontakt: www.centurymedia.com
Künstler: Eyehategod
Genre: Sludge
Label/Hersteller: Century Media Records

Mailorder-Empfehlungen für Dich

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