TIAMAT - Sumerian Cry [TAPE CASS]
11,90 €*
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Produktinformationen "TIAMAT - Sumerian Cry [TAPE CASS]"
A1. Sumerian Cry Pt. 1
A2. In The Shrines Of The Kingly Dead
A3. The Malicious Paradise
A4. Necrophagious Shadows
A5. Apotheosis of Morbidity
B1. Nocturnal Funeral
B2. Altar Flame
B3. Evilized
B4. Where The Serpents Ever Dwell / Sumerian Cry Pt. 2
B5. The Sign Of The Pentagram
Hersteller: 375 Media GmbH, Schlachthofstraße 36A, 21079 Hamburg, Germany, Kontakt: www.backonblack.com
A2. In The Shrines Of The Kingly Dead
A3. The Malicious Paradise
A4. Necrophagious Shadows
A5. Apotheosis of Morbidity
B1. Nocturnal Funeral
B2. Altar Flame
B3. Evilized
B4. Where The Serpents Ever Dwell / Sumerian Cry Pt. 2
B5. The Sign Of The Pentagram
Hersteller: 375 Media GmbH, Schlachthofstraße 36A, 21079 Hamburg, Germany, Kontakt: www.backonblack.com
Künstler: | Tiamat |
Genre: | Black Metal, Death Metal |
Label/Hersteller: | Back On Black |
Farb-Effekt: | Einfarbig |