Produktinformationen "FEAR FACTORY - Genexus [CD]"

1. Autonomous Combat System 5:28
2. Anodized 4:47
3. Dielectric 4:19
4. Soul Hacker 3:12
5. Protomech 4:56
6. Genexus 4:48
7. Church Of Execution 3:21
8. Regenerate 4:02
9. Battle For Utopia 4:14
10. Expiration Date 8:46

Hersteller: Warner Music Group Germany Holding GmbH, Alter Wandrahm 14, 20457 Hamburg, Germany, Kontakt: www.nuclearblast.com
Künstler: Fear Factory
Genre: Industrial Metal
Label/Hersteller: Nuclear Blast Records

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