BRODEQUIN - Instruments Of Torture [BLACK LP]

Produktinformationen "BRODEQUIN - Instruments Of Torture [BLACK LP]"

Schwarzes Vinyl.

A1. Spinning in Agony
A2. Soothsayer
A3. Ambrosia
A4. The Virgin of Nuremberg
A5. Duke of Exeter
A6. Infested with Worms
B1. Burnt in Effigy
B2. Strappado
B3. Hollow
B4. Feast of Flesh
B5. The Anatomical Deeps
B6. The Garrote

Über das Album

Schwarzes Vinyl

Inverkehrbringer gem. GPSR: Four Flames GmbH & Co. KG, In der Garte 38, 49479 Ibbenbueren, Germany, Kontakt:
Künstler: Brodequin
Genre: Brutal Death Metal
Label/Hersteller: Underground Activists
Farbe: Schwarz
Farb-Effekt: Einfarbig

Mailorder-Empfehlungen für Dich

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Grün-orangefarbenes Vinyl, limitiert auf 200 Stück. Tracklisting: 01. Intro 02. Cult of the Black Triangle 03. Hermetic Gateways 04. Psychotronic Abominations 05. Summon the Shadows 06. Whispers of the Djinn 07. Archon 08. Malevolent Paras...

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Orangefarbenes Tape. Tracklisting: 01. Intro 02. Cult of the Black Triangle 03. Hermetic Gateways 04. Psychotronic Abominations 05. Summon the Shadows 06. Whispers of the Djinn 07. Archon 08. Malevolent Parasite 09. Diabolical Treachery ...

10,90 €*
Digipak CD. 1. Diabolical Edict (03:29) 2. Fall Of The Leaf (02:33) 3. Theresiana (03:03) 4. Of Pillars And Trees (04:03) 5. Tenaillement (02:53) 6. Maleficium (03:09) 7. VII Nails (02:17) 8. Vredens Dag (03:20) 9. Suffocation In Ash (03:0...

14,90 €*
"Pool Of Blood" Edition (Bloody Red Cloudy Effect) Vinyl. Über das Album "Pool Of Blood" Edition (Bloody Red Cloudy Effect) Vinyl Inverkehrbringer gem. GPSR: Four Flames GmbH & Co. KG, In der Garte 38, 49479 Ibbenbueren, Germany, Kontakt: fourf...

28,90 €*
"Pool Of Blood" Edition (Bloody Red Cloudy Effect) Vinyl. Über das Album "Pool Of Blood" Edition (Bloody Red Cloudy Effect) Vinyl Inverkehrbringer gem. GPSR: Four Flames GmbH & Co. KG, In der Garte 38, 49479 Ibbenbueren, Germany, Kontakt: fourf...

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"Pool Of Blood" Edition (Bloody Red Cloudy Effect) Vinyl. Über das Album "Pool Of Blood" Edition (Bloody Red Cloudy Effect) Vinyl Inverkehrbringer gem. GPSR: Four Flames GmbH & Co. KG, In der Garte 38, 49479 Ibbenbueren, Germany, Kontakt: fourf...

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